Lucas, the Prince of Darkness

Lucas Electrics, as originally fitted to Jaguar Motorcars prior to the Ford takeover were notorious for their unreliability, earning Lucas the dubious distinction of the Prince of Darkness.

Also attributed to Lucas:

The Lucas Motto: "Get home before dark."

Lucas - inventor of the first intermittent wiper.

Lucas - inventor of the self dimming headlamp.

The three-poisition Lucas switch: DIM, FLICKER, and OFF.

The original anti-theft device - Lucas Electric Products.

"I've had a Lucas pacemaker for years and have never experienced any prob...."

If Lucas made guns, wars would not start either.

Did you hear about the Lucas torpedo? it sank!

Why do the English drink warm beer? Lucas makes their refrigerators.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone.
Thomas Edison invented the light Bulb.
Joseph Lucas invented the Short Circuit.